No. Bunny Bug wasn't a typo. It's not supposed to be 'Bugs Bunny.' Above is me, battling the bunny bug. I barely survived. Imagine if you had to battle a creature like that. Its poisonous fangs, its distracting colors, and its ugly complexion. It was so hard. I had to use my shield that I used for my Halloween costume, and I had to fetch the Ancient Sword of Astris, long slumbering, now awakened, to defeat this monster. This event made me decide to share the history of the land of Astris.
This is the Sword of Astris. It's what I have used over my many years of reign to defeat so many monsters. It watches over the land and only goes to its aid in the most dire times of need. Like, for instance, when the bunny bug came.

I was a little kid, living in a small village.
One day, a giant snake with no teeth appeared, and it almost ate me.Suddenly, the Sword of Astris appeared in my hands, so I killed the monster,
The darkness faded, as did the sword. In reward for me killing the snake, the people made me their king. Now, they love me, and I rule over them. It's a mutual benefit system. Now, the sword appears when the people need it, and I kill monsters.
That's the history of me.
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