Yes... you all know that the time has come.
School is back.
The art to the left shows of my mental state during the school year.
Quite resourceful, right?
I am not a very good grade keeper. Although, I have vowed to do well and get good grades, even though I talk too much and most of my teachers hate my guts.
Except for the ones that talk too much.
I am going to launch "Fat Man" at La La Land to completely destroy it and start anew with my life.
Farewell, La La Land! Prepare to be destroyed by uranium. It will hurt. Bad. It will kill all of you citizens and burn down all of your buildings by splitting an atom, causing the neutrons, protons, and electrons to fly off, colliding with other atoms, splitting them, causing a chain reaction in which energy...
I did a project on the atomic bomb, and I got an 'A' on it, as a matter of fact.
I decided I should stop talking so much about science, and more about comedy. A few minutes ago, I realized that I wasn't the first to come up with the name "Astris"
Apparently in some mythology somewhere, there was a person named Astris. Sad, isn't it? To have your creativity crushed by some ancient freaks.
Awhile ago, I stumbled upon something useless.
I quote: "How many times have you found yourself in this situation? You’re just hanging out and watching TV when all of a sudden *BOOM* zombies come pouring in through your living room window. Happens to us all the friggin’ time and now we are no longer getting caught with our pants down (depending on what we’re watching on said TV of course).
School is back.
The art to the left shows of my mental state during the school year.
Quite resourceful, right?
I am not a very good grade keeper. Although, I have vowed to do well and get good grades, even though I talk too much and most of my teachers hate my guts.
Except for the ones that talk too much.
I am going to launch "Fat Man" at La La Land to completely destroy it and start anew with my life.
Farewell, La La Land! Prepare to be destroyed by uranium. It will hurt. Bad. It will kill all of you citizens and burn down all of your buildings by splitting an atom, causing the neutrons, protons, and electrons to fly off, colliding with other atoms, splitting them, causing a chain reaction in which energy...
I did a project on the atomic bomb, and I got an 'A' on it, as a matter of fact.
I decided I should stop talking so much about science, and more about comedy. A few minutes ago, I realized that I wasn't the first to come up with the name "Astris"
Apparently in some mythology somewhere, there was a person named Astris. Sad, isn't it? To have your creativity crushed by some ancient freaks.
Awhile ago, I stumbled upon something useless.
I quote: "How many times have you found yourself in this situation? You’re just hanging out and watching TV when all of a sudden *BOOM* zombies come pouring in through your living room window. Happens to us all the friggin’ time and now we are no longer getting caught with our pants down (depending on what we’re watching on said TV of course).
Behold, the Zombie tested and victim approved Safe Bedside Table. Getting rushed by flesheaters? No problem! The Safe Bedside Table has a removable leg that acts as a club and a top that doubles as a shield for self-defense.
That will learn those pesky ghouls with their insatiable hunger! The table was created by James McAdam of London out of cherry wood and steel. Visit his official site here for more."
I think some people have no imagination,
And I think that some people have too much imagination.
But also, I think this table would prove to be very useful.
I am fighting zombies every day, and I keep running out of ammunition. I need supplies, I need money,
Zombies are coming too often these days.
I need a zombie table.
Your cartoons are really good! I like your style of artwork.